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Make Career Challenges Opportunities for Beginners

Have you ever had a task that you thought was heavy and difficult to carry out? Or, have you ever faced personal troubles or hassles with the environment, which required you to mobilize all available capabilities and resources?

Challenges, obstacles, obstacles or whatever the name is undeniable, is one of the bitter medicines in the journey of human life. However, the condition is a tree with the sweetest fruit and the most beautiful flowers if it can be exploited or even conquered.

If you read the biographies of successful people, you will know that they were successful in their careers, because they were able to conquer challenges. So, what should you do so that the challenges you face become opportunities that make you successful? Here are the tips;

1. Be a QI (read: Key) Person
Be a person who always gives the best things and solutions (keys), whether it's at home, in the office, in a social environment and so on. This is the basis because by being a key individual like this your existence will always make the environment positive and colorful.

2. Believe in yourself
There is a saying 'it doesn't matter if a thousand people believe in you, but if you don't believe in yourself then it's meaningless'. This means that you must always believe that good things will come every day in various ways. You can also increase your self-confidence by having a positive self-image, accepting your flaws as they are and appreciating the slightest potential you have.

3. Big soul
Every human being has different capacities. Everyone has a 'cup full of water' of different sizes. If calamities and other trials of life are illustrated like salt, then for people who have a cup the size of a bowl it will be bitter if given a handful of salt. However, for those who have a cup the size of a lake, a handful of salt means nothing.

So, accept all problems with a big heart, because acceptance like this will make your steps and your heart light to face them.

4. Empower your intelligence
If one way fails to keep you from conquering a challenge, don't give up. Keep looking for the best solution, open all the opportunities. Never say "No way" if you haven't tried your best. Try saying "Maybe!" then all opportunities and opportunities will come your way unexpectedly.

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