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The platform has a lot of features for the druggies that log-in diurnal and do some easy tasks. The druggies earn 75 Bits diurnal 5 Perk gate claims and at some mileposts achieved they can earn up to 7 days Premium class. Weekly we offer to all of the druggies free Bits, Premium class, Lottery tickets or Perk gate claims by Fortune Wheel.

For each Offer that has over 500 Bits we offer 20 Perk claims and for the bones worth over5.000 Bits we offer 1 Premium Membership day. Also, if you would like to do offers we offer up to 25 perk Bits from them for achieving some certain situations.

Check also the Lottery, make referrals and earn a lot of profit from all their conditioning-up to 10 Perk for your referrals deposits into the platform, for illustration!

1) Stoner Account 

Watchwords are stored and cracked in an unrecoverable format in our database. Watchwords should be kept safe and we aren't liable for any loss of accounts.

You aren't allowed to register or use your account throught deputy, vpn's, hide my" burro", Lan Groups, Internet caffe,etc. 

You aren't allowed to cause or use multiple accounts, use fake word or partake theirs payment processors between them and others members.

You aren't allowed to login further than one account on the same computer or IP address. This includes family, musketeers,co-workers and using your account on public computers.

You aren't allowed to use any VPS/ VPN/ Scripts/ Bots or Proxy garçon to enter or use this website. We hope you to use this website from your particular device, using your real IPaddress.However, your payout request will be rejected and your account will be suspended, If you use VPS/ VPN/ Scripts/ Bots or Proxy garçon.

Any attempts to load our garçon will lead to the endless suspense of your account.

Still, his proprietor and to the staff platoon will lead to the endless suspense of your account, If you bring directly or laterally any kind of prejudicial to our website.

If you do not login for further than 7 days you'll start losing 5 Bits every day until you login again or your account balance goes to 0. 

By agreeing the terms and conditions you agree to enter periodic newsletters from us as long as you have an account opened at our website.
2) Referrals
You're allowed to relate an unlimited number of members

Your referrals must be unique, have theirs ownse-mails, real names,etc.

We do nt allow using services that are putting up referrals, our staff will bear out and if you hold will be suspected of breaking this rulle, this will lead to the endless suspense of your account.

You agree not to be compensated by the loss of any referrals applied by inactivity which they perhaps moreover deleted or suspended by inactivity.

You're noway allowed to change your upline which will remain private.

You must login every day to admit referralcommissions.However, you will not admit any commissions from your referrals until you login again, If you are not active for further than 24 hours.

 3) Payments & Purchase
All your orders are final and non refundable.

All payments should be done through our website only.

4) Announcement

Announcements can't contain pornographic, racist, differencing, vulgar, illegal, or other adult accoutrements of any kind.

Announcements can't contain any frame combers.

Announcements must be English.

Announcements can't contain or promote any contagions.

Announcements can't contain any kind of background mining system.

We reserve the rights to suspend any advertisment institute violation our TOS, without handing over any kind of refund.

 5) Refund Policy
The purchase of advertisments arenon-refundable.

The purchase of banner advertisements arenon-refundable.

The purchase of class upgrade isnon-refundable.

 We reserve the right to don't modifify at the druggies requests the PTC Advertisements and Jobs posted by the community. Once they're submitted by the druggies, they will remain in that way for PTC Advertisements until the period will expire and for Jobs with the same price or number of places available. After 7 days of inactivity (if the stoner does not log-in) the jobs posted by that stoner will be deleted.

6) Anticheat & Account Suspense

 You should know that each time you wan na do a" questionable"and" happy" thing our system will save this log.

You should know that if you try to" hack","sql injection","xss passthrought"and others" happy" effects this will lead to the endless suspense of your account

You mustn't Intrude with our system to help optimum security and/ or trustability.

We reserve the rights to give to suspend your account for any valid reason from our tos, or related to it.

Still, your account will be"wiped" (stats, referrals)

If your account is suspended for any reasson you can not ask arefund.You may not produce or use any type of impersonator, or a program to automate the process of clicking.

You are not allowed to use any deputy or VCC to complete any offer available on our offerwalls.
7) Liability We will not be liable or any kind of detainments or failures that aren't directly related to us and thus beyond our control.

We will not be held responsible for any of its druggies, advertisers or announcements, this include every 3rd party company we depend.

We aren't responsable for any duty payment for you on what you admit from us. Is your responsability to declare what you've entered and pay your country levies.

We upon request can suspend your account if you do nt agree our terms and your account will be suspended.

We aren't responsable for the investments you make.

We aren't responsable for the exertion of Direct, Rented Referrals, and by buying or renting them you're completely apprehensive of that.

 We've the right to change this agreement without any previous notice to our members, we will shoot out a notice to all of our members the new terms and/ or terms that have changed changed.


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